Deciphering The Code (a.k.a A Gift From Someone Special Part 2)
The Da Vinci Code really got to me. I have not read the book yet. Yeah, I know what a loser. Anyways after watching the movie, I decided that I wanted to read the book. Well, you just know that sometime when they put to movie a masterpiece like The Da Vinci Code, they will usually screwed it up. The movie capture my interest, so I decided to read the book. This is because I believe that the book is going to be better.Then the million dollar question, "To buy or not to buy, that is the question" (sometime you just need to Shakespeared it up......hahaha). So it was decided not to buy. But the urge to read is so overwhelming. The next best thing is to borrow from someone.
My head was hard at work to figure out who has this book in Bintulu. Suddenly a light bulb moment happened and it occured to me that prior to my smsing with this girl I knew she has this book. So I decided to try my luck whether she would lend it to me. To my joy, she agreed to do so. She had went back home recently. While asking for the book, I asked whether she has some momento for me from her hometown.
Today when I took the book from her desk today, I was surprised to see something special together with the book.

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