Not All Chick Flicks Are Stupid

I was flipping through the channels and Legally Blonde 2: Red, White and Blonde was showing. I have no choice (although some people would say I have....I could give a f%#$) so I decided to watch. Although the story line is too fictional that I could not relate it to real life, there are certain dialogues uttered by the characters really got to me.
For instance when Grace was bringing Elle down by saying that Elle's way was so naive, she answered, "Well you can do it the Washington way, but I am going to do it the Elle Wood's way".
God, when the words came out, I was like, "you go girl" (inclusive of the finger action....hahaha). It really struck me that most people try their hardest to fit in. It sometime cause my heart to ache when seeing them fail in their attempt. I always tell myself this:
Why Try To Fit In When You Can Stand Out?
People always think that they need to fit in because they believe that is what society expect from them. Well f* what society expect you to be. All you need to worry is whether you live to your own expectations.
The other thing that really stayed in me was when Sid told Elle and also this was repeated in the speech by Elle at the end of the movie:
An Honest Voice Is Louder Than A Crowd. Just Trust Your Voice
How poetic that phrase is? I trully agree with that phrase. People tend to believe what other people tell them about themselves rather than believing in their own inner voice. Sometimes what people tell you about yourselves are not to make you a better peson, whereas more to bring you down. You just need to be believe in yourselves. Be confident in youserlves and you would be surprised in how much better you feel about yourselves.
The reason I decided to write about this is just as friendly reminder for myself and to those interested that we are beautiful in our way and just to believe in ourselves. Sometime we just need a reminder from time to time.
thanks 4 the reminder icky..
but resisting the urge to fit it.. it's not that easy... after subconciously training myself all these years to live life according to ppl's perception rather than my own...
well, changes does not have to be drasctic changes. All we need to do is to take the first step
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