Friday, September 22, 2006

Is Not One's Life Is As Valuable As Ours?

It has been a while since my last entry. This is because for the past a couple of weeks, there had been a lot of things that happened that has a big impact on my life.
It started of with the passing away of a prominent figure in my organization. Many would have thought that what is the big deal? People come and go as what is promised to us by God. However what shocked me the most is the way he died. I am still a little bit haunted by it. On the other hand it really woke up me that life is not full of sugar and everything nice. Sometimes you would face a little saltiness and spiciness a long the way. That is just to mix things up.
Many would say why am I so emotionally involved with this tragedy? The person is not even my family. The more appropriate question to ask is it wrong to feel what the person's family is feeling? How would you feel when such a tragedy happened to you? I believe it would give a sense of comfort that someone else is showing empathy towards you.
There is this vision that keep going through my head. What if this tragedy happened to my family in the Peninsular and I am here? How would I react? How I would feel? Will I ever be able to move on? Basically I have no answer to this questions, which makes me really scared.
But what angers me is that how could a human being which God gave the most powerful privilage compared to the rest of the living being which is the mind, would do such a thing to another human being? Who gave us the right to take another's life? What had happened to us? Why is it easy for us to end one's life rather than cherish it? Is not one's life is as valuable as ours? This can be seen in the world today where people just start war out of nothing. God, I am so angry!! When will this ever end? Please someone give an answer!!
I am just really out of answers and lots of question require answers. Is it hard to live happily and peacefully?


At 7:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

However what shocked me the most is the way he died. - how exactly did he die?


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