Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Things Should Work Both Ways

Scene 1
Friend: You should not behave like that. You need to be more mature.
Me: But the bugger really pissed me off.
Friend: Why should you let him get to you? Your action when you are pissed effect others because of your temper. You should not let 'small' things get to you.
(People expect me to listen to them)
Scene 2
Me: You should not behave like that.
Friend: That is the only way I know how. (walk off)
(People do not want to listen to what I say)
I know I seriously need therapy but I really need to get this out of my system. People tend to expect me to listen to every single 'advice' that they gave to me and expect me to change to what they think it is right. But when the tables are turned, they become fucking defensive. I try to be opened to every single fucking thing that they 'advice' me cause I know I have some attitude problem. Is it too much to expect the same gesture in return?
That is why I do keep my opinion to myself because I do not want to create any tension in the friendship. However when people continue to give their so-called opinions and mine I have to keep, it is driving me fucking crazy.
I believe when people say something they need to mean it. This is because words are easy to be spoken but action to live up to the words are hard to act out. Therefore please becareful what is uttered because it reflects who you are


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