Saturday, September 30, 2006

I Just Love A Great Story

There are lots of things that is happening in one's life and sometime you are just overwhelmed by it. Therefore you need some external motivations when your innerself are running out of ideas to perk you up. Just to share, for me what I watch in the telly or even the movies that really has an impact to me is used to motivate me. This is because to me it teaches life lessons.

There is this one friend of mine that said to me why am I being to analytical of the movies or anything in the telly. In addition to that why am I to emotional about it. Well it is just plain simple that what ever happened in the movies or the telly has some reality to it. For example the all time favourite type of story is from rags to riches kind of story. Do not you just love it? I believe that this kind of story really close to my heart because it tells you the trials and tribulations that one has to overcome before one can enjoy success. One of my favourites is "Homeless To Harvard". The story really make me feel ashamed of myself of the way that I act towards trials and tribulations. I let my tantrum get in the way. Maybe this is just because I can group myself as one of the privilage people in this world.

This morning after Sahur, I am unable to sleep so I decided to flip through my cable to see anything interesting on telly. As I was flipping, I stumbled into this movie called "Hunt For Justice". This is story is a about the crime against humanity that happened in Bosnia. Watching this movie was a rather an emotional experience for me. I was unable to contain myself from crying. It is just so sad to see the suffering that the citizen of war has to face. But what really intriguing is that how could a man, which God has given the brain to be able to think what is right and wrong and also differentiate them from animals, could acted animal like?

A great story by my definition is a story that is able to make me care to feel what the characters are going through. Just a one man's opinion is to be more sensitive towards your senses when watching a story. This is because if you are opened enough, you would be surprised of the things that you would be able to learn.


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