The Meaning of Independence

Most people by that age already facing midlife crisis. Hehehe! But not for my country. Malaysia is becoming each and every day more grown up in the sense of becoming a developed country independently. Trying its best not to rely on anyone else. However are we the proud citizen of Malaysia really knows the meaning of independence?
If most primary school or even secondary school were asked what is the meaning of indepence? They will answer line by line what is read in the history books. Sometime the most surprising thing is that even the big shot executives gave the same answer. Does this mean that Malaysia's independence is just what is written in the history books?
If that is the case then shame on all of us. What we need to understand is that why did we ask for independence? How it was achieved? And how to maintain it so that we do not seem like ungreatful SOBs?
It is good that we know the chronologically of how Malaysia achieved its independence. But would not it be much more meaningful the appreciate the sweat and tears that our fore fathers put in order for us to obtain prosperity? It is just not about the ones that were in the fore front in the fight but also the unsang heros. The most important thing is to appreciate the unsang heros.
But what saddens me is that we do not know how to appreciate it. What we know now is that each time on the 31st August is a public holiday and the night before that there will be bunch of concerts everywhere. Please Malaysians wake up and smell the roses that if we are not careful we would be colonize once again. To me we are now being colonize especially in the way we think. There is no more the Eastern culture of being polite, being courteous and much more. What we know is that anything Western is showing that we are modern and developed.
Is it ashamed? When we will ever realize that our way is better? I am being patriotic just because I really owe everything that I have today to those who fight for it and never ever had the oppurtunity to experience and enjoy it.
Why Do We Fall?
In life we always question the things that happened in our life. Regardless whether it is something good or something bad. But ussually as human beings we never questioned or wonder why good things happened to us. Often times anything bad happened in our lives then we started to question.
Those are usually the most common questions that are usually we asked. We never wanted to look at the silver lining that is always behind the bad things that happened in our lives. I know about this because it is something closest tomy heart . Always wonder why bad things happened and never questioned about the good things in life. For me it is sometimes good to have something bad happening in ourlives in order for us to have in-touch with reality.
I got this idea for this entry due to that I have been falling a few times literally. This is because of the few incidents that happened in my work place. These incidents got me asking myself, "Why?". Tonight I think I have the answer.
Thomas: Why do we fall, Bruce?
Bruce: (silence)
Thomas: So that we could learn and get back up again.
These few lines in the movie really put perspective to most of the things that had happened inmy life. I am here just to share something that I hope would provide answers to some of you out there that is wondering why shit happens to me? In addition to that we started to question God? What we should do is we should not be disappointed or let our spirit down but instead I believe we need to learn from every single mishap so that it will help us to grow as a human being.
Being the human being that God created us to be is the most important thing. Sometimes we forget why are we here? A few heads up is no biggy, right?
I Am Sick & Tired Of Being Sick & Tired
There is a gap between my list entry and my latest. Well this is because there had been a lot of crazy things happening in my life. To sum everything up, I injured myself and also fainted at my workplace. The rumours about how I got the injury and also how I fainted are most talked about compared to the wedding of Siti and Datok K. Seriously, I am not blowing my own horn.
My theory is that, in the history of my workplace there had never been two emergency cases caused a single individual in the span of five days. I am not proud about it but like I always said, "Shit Happens". All I can do is let them talk and as time goes by there will be another more interesting news......hopefully.
However there is a few things that annoys the HELL out of me. First, I am just so f*&%ing annoyed to be asked the same f*&^ing question over and over again. You must be wondering what it is? Well basically the routine question is, "How Are You Today?". Not just that, from afar they will start to show their thumb up implying, "How Are You Today?". I am not being over-dramatic although I am proven to be a little drama queen but I just cannot stand it when every single person keep asking me the same old question every f*&%ing day. I am working aren't I!!!! I will not be working if I am not OK.
Second, people seems to be keeping a close eye on me cause they are afraid that I am going to faint. Come on!!!! That is just a one thing deal. Maybe I am over-stressing my healing body with heavy duties and the wheather was not helping either. Now in some twisted way they thing I have this ability to faint on cue. God, give me a break!
Disclamer: No offense to them. I know that they meant it in a good way. But what I want is to just let me be.
In addition to that, I am seriously f*&%ing annoyed with people telling me how to feel and also what kind of feeling I need to potray in certain situation. Even my parents cannot help me in that division and who the HELL do you think you are? I am not allowed to feel angry, sad, pain, happy when I want to. Why should I comply to other people?
I know that I am walking facing the current and not with the current like most people. Therefore sometimes I felt sick and tired of fighting against what is considered normal. Since the same feeling is felt every f*&%ing hour then you tend to feel sick and tired about it.
Most people when reading my blog will think that I am such a complicated and rather psychotic. Even I agree with them. That must be the ultimate reason that I am still single. Hahahaha!!!!
Finally Someone Said It
I was watching Oprah last Sunday. Before I go any further, yes I do watch Oprah and I do not give a damn what you guys think. I am not sure how far along was that episode compared to the one in the States but this particular one really captured my attention.
Oprah was interviewing the youngest queen in the world. This particular queen happens to be from an Islamic country. The country that I meant is Jordan. Her Majesty's name is Queen Rania Al-Abdullah of Jordan. Her Majesty has this sense of elegance and poise that rarely can be seen in most people.
Oprah and Her Majesty were discussing on issues such the view of the Middle Eastern towards the United States, her life as a queen and something that really caught me by surprise of freely and candidly Her Majesty talked a little bit about Islam.
Her Majesty explained that wearing the veil was not a sign that the women of Islam are being suppressed. It is just what Islam has taught each and everyone of us. That was supported by a clipping of the daily lives of the women in Jordan. Although they are wearing veils, but they are still able to be a career women. At that point I was so joyous that finally somebody explained to the ignorant people of the Western world that wearing a veil has nothing to do with suppression as what they believed all this while. Finally someone said it.
I was looking through Her Majesty's website and kudos to Her Majesty of all the thing that Her Majesty does. For those that want to read more please visit the URL below:
They Say Blogs Are For Nerds With No Friends
Last Saturday while having breakfast with two of my friends, we suddenly discussed about people with blogs.
Me: Cool statement. May I used it in my blog?
Friend: You have a blog?
Me: Yup.
Friend: Do you know what they say about people who has blogs?
Me: Nope. Enlighten me.
Friend: They say blogs are for nerds with no friends.
Me: You got to be f*&^ing kidding me!
The conversation got me thinking whether it is true or not. Well my history of involving with blogging was during my college years, it was the coolest thing around. Every one has their own blog. This is like when Friendster was the flavour of the month. Any how, I know that my involvement in blogging is mainly because not wanting to be left out, but lately it become a way for me to convey my opinions. Although not a lot of people visited my blog (based on the counter) but hey if I am able to express my views to one person that would be an achievement for me.
What Defines A Man?
Me: What's up?
Friend: Oh my God! What are you wearing?
Me: What? Plain old t-shirt.
Friend: Duh! A five year old knows that what you wearing is a t-shirt. Are you colour blind or something?
Me: It is pink, I know. So, what's the big deal?
Friend: Seriously dude that is so fag.
Me: You got to be f*&^ing kidding me.
Well that was a conversation that I had with a friend when I wore a pink t-shirt. It sometimes just shocked how shallow people could be. Seriously what is this all about MEN DO NOT WEAR PINK?
I still cannot make out what is the connection with colour and one's manliness. Yeah you have this personality test define your personality with the colour you choose. But I do not believe that pack of bulls. It is just a statement that you wanted to make or just something you comfortable to wear regardless it is pink or not. I am really in awe when people are making a fuss of the colour that I choose to wear.
The funny part is, it is not I who feel uncomfortable it is those around me? They some how able to feel embarrased. How crazy is that?
My definition of a man is not how many time he got laid or how far he could spit or even. Mine is just simple. As long as you are able to fulfill to the best of your capability for every single responsibilities that is entrusted to you regardless by God or society. That is a real man flesh in blood. I am still working my best to be defined as that. Still a work in progress.