Not All Chick Flicks Are Stupid

This week I was attending a course in Kuala Terengganu. So we were given a hotel room for each and everyone of us. Thank God that we were provided with Cable TV.
I was flipping through the channels and Legally Blonde 2: Red, White and Blonde was showing. I have no choice (although some people would say I have....I could give a f%#$) so I decided to watch. Although the story line is too fictional that I could not relate it to real life, there are certain dialogues uttered by the characters really got to me.
For instance when Grace was bringing Elle down by saying that Elle's way was so naive, she answered, "Well you can do it the Washington way, but I am going to do it the Elle Wood's way".
God, when the words came out, I was like, "you go girl" (inclusive of the finger action....hahaha). It really struck me that most people try their hardest to fit in. It sometime cause my heart to ache when seeing them fail in their attempt. I always tell myself this:
Why Try To Fit In When You Can Stand Out?
People always think that they need to fit in because they believe that is what society expect from them. Well f* what society expect you to be. All you need to worry is whether you live to your own expectations.
The other thing that really stayed in me was when Sid told Elle and also this was repeated in the speech by Elle at the end of the movie:
An Honest Voice Is Louder Than A Crowd. Just Trust Your Voice
How poetic that phrase is? I trully agree with that phrase. People tend to believe what other people tell them about themselves rather than believing in their own inner voice. Sometimes what people tell you about yourselves are not to make you a better peson, whereas more to bring you down. You just need to be believe in yourselves. Be confident in youserlves and you would be surprised in how much better you feel about yourselves.
The reason I decided to write about this is just as friendly reminder for myself and to those interested that we are beautiful in our way and just to believe in ourselves. Sometime we just need a reminder from time to time.
You Are Cordially Invited To The Wedding (My First Wedding Reception In Bintulu)
It has been a while since my last entry. Lots have happened. Although it may seem mediocre to other people but wait a minute.......I could care less what people think.
When I ask most people where they usually hang out, the answers are usually at those high end places like Bangsar, Ampang, Zouk or what ever. Well my hang out with my gang is at "Warong Pak Usu - The Most Happening Place Around".
This is where we usually have our dinner and catch up on the latest news (although I will be seeing the same faces at work).

The food is to die for. It reminded us a little piece of home.
Since we always hang there, it was not a surprised that when we were about to order, the order-taking boy which we call Handsome or Macho already know what we would like to order. Hope you guys could catch where I am going with this.
(Still have no freaking idea? Well my point is, I just want to point out that we became close with the taukeh over the time).
Anyways, we were so honoured that the Kakak The Chef invited us to her son's wedding.

You will never know that you are actually making new families here. This make living in Bintulu to be OK. :)
A Gift From Someone Special Part 3 (a.k.a It Felt Damn Nice To Be Appreciated)
Today has been a busy day. I was focusing on work the first half of the day. After lunch I was not at my table at all because for all the new instrument engineers, every week we have a discussion on a certain topic. When we finished the discussion, I went back to my office. I was surprised to see some package on my table. Not to let my friend wait for me, I just put the package on my beg and straight away went back. After reaching home, I was surprised to find out that I received something like this.

It felt DAMN nice to be appreciated.
Deciphering The Code (a.k.a A Gift From Someone Special Part 2)
The Da Vinci Code really got to me. I have not read the book yet. Yeah, I know what a loser. Anyways after watching the movie, I decided that I wanted to read the book. Well, you just know that sometime when they put to movie a masterpiece like The Da Vinci Code, they will usually screwed it up. The movie capture my interest, so I decided to read the book. This is because I believe that the book is going to be better.
Then the million dollar question, "To buy or not to buy, that is the question" (sometime you just need to Shakespeared it up......hahaha). So it was decided not to buy. But the urge to read is so overwhelming. The next best thing is to borrow from someone.
My head was hard at work to figure out who has this book in Bintulu. Suddenly a light bulb moment happened and it occured to me that prior to my smsing with this girl I knew she has this book. So I decided to try my luck whether she would lend it to me. To my joy, she agreed to do so. She had went back home recently. While asking for the book, I asked whether she has some momento for me from her hometown.
Today when I took the book from her desk today, I was surprised to see something special together with the book.
People Say I'm Emotional
People say I'm emotional. I believe most the people that knew me would say so. In your guys case, I believe you could conclude it by my blog entry. Well, I am not denying it. But is it wrong to be emotional? The weird stuff is that when a guy is emotional, people would say,
"Why are you so freaking emotional? Are you a fag? Behave more like a man"I am so freaking confuse, why are stereotyping on how people need to behave. All I have to say is that:
If a guy cries in public, he is not a wuss. He wears his heart at his sleeve.
If a guy likes to wear pink, he is not a fag. He is just comfortable with himself.
If a guy likes chick flick, he is still a man.
If a guy is a little bit sissy, that does not mean that he can't kick your ass.
We just got to be more opened. We say that we are open to new ideas, but instead we are labeling people and decide how a person should behave.
So to those who thinks that I should behave or feel a certain way, all I have to say is that I just don't give a rat ass what you guys think.
A Gift From Someone Special

I got this gift actually last year. This actually the first gift that I received while I am in Bintulu.
Why Are We Never Happy?
I remember that when I was a kid and looking at the adults able to afford what they want, I always told myself that I just can't wait to grow up an able to do all those thing. This is because at that moment I was thinking that material will give happiness. Was I a dumbass.
Now that I am able to posses the things that I wanted, I am still not HAPPY. To put it in a more visual way, it is like this. When shopping, I always go over my head. I just take what ever I want because it creates a rush inside of me and at times it creates a temporary state of euphoria. But when I have purchased those thing, I felt emotionally drained and I am back to square one.
What is actually happiness?
I am still unable to answer this question. Sometime when I asked this question to someone older than me, they still cannot give a satisfying answer. Maybe happiness to a person is different to another. I am still looking for mine. Hopefully it is just around the corner.
Are We Really A Courteous Society?
We always proud to say that we are really courteous. This is because we are taught in the East to respect our elders, to help one another and etc. We even put it into our tourism advertisment. But the question is, is all of this true? Are we what we say to be?
I started to question this because lately we are becoming more an arrogant society than a courteous society like we alway believe we are. I have this scenario, in a journey to Ipoh from Penang, we stopped at one of this R&R. After we have finished resting, we decided to continue our journey. When we were in the car, we heard a banging sound. This is due to the passenger at the other car, accidentally (lets hope so) bang the back of my sister's car while she was opening the door of her car.
It is OK, all of this was an accident. But to not apologize or even say something, it is damn rude. What she did was to get into the car and just drove away. I am really shocked to see what we have become. This is just one of the scenario or situation. If we bumped into someone, we are taught to say, "I am sorry". But instead we get into a quarrel and blame the other person to be in the way.
What went wrong to our society? I hope that with my two cents, people of Malaysia could start to realize the good values that were taught to us when we were small and apply it. Like I always say, this is just my two cents.
The Prodigal Son Returns
It has been approximately 4 freaking months since I went back to my hometown. Damn it felt good to finally be able to rest from doing the same thing over and over again. It started of with the planning to go home. Since I am working in Bintulu (for you geographically challenged specimen it is in Sarawak, Malaysia), the month of June is a festive month. It can be considered as the Aidilfitri celebration in Peninsular. Therefore, I took the opportunity to take my off day in 4 months during this month.
Damn! It felt damn good to be able to go back home and sleep in my room on my bed

. Then, to be able to do the stuff that I could not do here, it felt great. When I reached KLIA, the first thing that I did was to end my craving for Burger King. My all time favorite at Burger King is the onion rings.

As most people know me to be a movie freak. So the second thing that I did was to watch two movies back to back. What I noticed is that, the movie ticket has changed. God, it shows how long I have not been home. Watching The Da Vinci Code and X-Men: The Last Stand,

its like having a mini orgasm (hahaha).While I was at Kinta City to watch movie at TGV, I was surprised to see my all time favorite dinosaur (hahahaha), Barney.

Last but not least, shopping! During the buying of the stuff it felt good, but when you see your credit card bill, aaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh…..hehehehe
Well, now that the holiday is over and it is back to work. I have to wait another 4 months. Damn it!